Happiness, Health, Wisdom and Wealth

"The Owner's Manual for Your Life"


Wisdom is the third most important thing in your life. We don't mean intelligence, or education. Our definition of wisdom is: "Wisdom – a state of being measuring the ability to acquire and use knowledge to solve problems effectively."

Intelligence is a measure of how fast you learn. Education is a measure of how much you have learned. Wisdom is a measure of the quality and usefulness of your learning. A lot of intelligent folks have demonstrated that they can learn garbage very quickly. A lot of well educated folks have demonstrated that they can learn a lot of garbage. Wise folks demonstrate that they are careful not to learn garbage. They are very selective. They learn what will be most valuable to them. They learn how to use their knowledge to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.

Once there was a girl, a high school student. She was in 'special', 'slow' classes. At the start of a new school year, the regulations changed and she was required to be 'mainstreamed', put into regular classes. After a couple of weeks of school she was failing algebra. Her teacher called her to his desk while the other students were working to see if tutoring could be arranged. During the conversation the girl said, "How many pairs of shoes do you have?"

"What?", replied the teacher, "I really don't know, why?"

"Well, it's the third week of school and you haven't worn the same pair twice."

"I really don't keep track. Why are you so interested in my shoes?"

"Oh", she said in a condescending tone, "It's not just YOUR shoes."





Wisdom of the Ages

"Know Thyself"

Self Discipline and Willpower

Planning Your Life

Present-Future Cost-Benefit

Fear and Greed

No Guarantees



Happiness Research

"You mean you know what everyone wears?"

"Sure, I remember every pair of shoes everyone wears."

A quick quiz revealed that indeed, she could correctly identify the shoes of everyone in the room. The teacher could see the students and she had her back to them.

Now according to all the tests, this young lady lacked intelligence and education. I would say all she lacked was wisdom. She was clearly very capable of learning quickly. She had very clearly learned a great deal. Unfortunately, what she had learned was of very little actual value. At least not as far as completing high school was concerned. The teacher was able to help the student learn to apply her talents to algebra. She not only passed algebra but successfully completed math through pre-calculus. That's the power of wisdom!

Wisdom News

A year of living dangerously

A formula for those averse to challenge

4 tips to stop procrastination

Read this now!

Resilience can get you through life's trials

Survivors of tough times know how to cope — and you can learn, too

Quit complaining — it may make you feel worse

Venting to friends about problems is unhelpful and unhealthy

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